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About the Department

The Division of French Language Teaching was founded in 1983 and accepted its first students in the 1983-1984 academic year. While the number of students in the first opening semester was only 3, from its second academic year onwards, the number of the students enrolled in this program has constantly increased. Today, our Division offers Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degree programs. Since the1996-1997 academic year the Master's degree and since the 1998-1999 academic year the doctoral degree programs have been accepting students.

The main objective of the Division of French Language Teaching is to help the future French language teachers acquire a modern language teaching perspective. Along with methodologies, classroom management, teaching of language skills, technology in language learning and material development courses,  linguistics and French literature courses are also offered. In addition, Turkish Language and IT courses help students improve their academic qualifications. 

The undergraduateeducation in this Division is a 4-year study program (following a 1-year French preparatory class offered by School of Foreign Languages). Except for the courses offered by the Department of Educational Sciences and the elective courses offered by other departments of the university, the medium of instruction is French.

Recent Publications

  • 2015. Korkut, E. (Ed.), Onursal, Ayırır, İ. (Ed.), Dil Bilimleri ve Dil Öğretimi, Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık


Yapısalcı Dilbilim ve Dil Öğretimi, Prof. Dr. Zeynel KIRAN
Ses Bilgisi – Sesbilim ve Dil Öğretimi, Arş. Gör. Serap GÜL
Anlambilim ve Dil Öğretimi, Prof. Dr. Ayşe KIRAN
Sözceleme Kuramı ve Dil Öğretimi, Prof. Dr. Ayşe KIRAN
Edimbilim ve Dil Öğretimi, Doç. Dr. İrem ONURSAL AYIRIR
Metin Dilbilim ve Dil Öğretimi, Prof. Dr. Ece KORKUT
Gerekçelendirme ve Dil Öğretimi, Arş. Gör. Safinaz BÜYÜKGÜZEL
Ruhdilbilim, Bilişsel Dilbilim ve Dil Öğretimi, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Barış AYDIN
Toplumdilbilim ve Dil Öğretimi, Okt. Étienne MARGET
  • 2015. Alain ROBBE-GRILLET, Pour un nouveau roman (1963). Paris: Editions de Minuit; Yeni  Roman, Türkçesi: Ece Korkut, İstanbul: Kafekültür Yayıncılık.
Articles and Papers:


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